Creating Being is an intensive 8-week training in mastery of consciously creating yourself and your world.

The purpose of Creating Being is to rapidly and significantly increase your freedom, love, and power as the creator of your life.
By this, we mean to have you be someone who expresses your will boldly and authentically. As a Creator, it is your Being that generates both your experience of life and the tangible health, wealth and relationships results you desire.
Throughout the Creating Journey, you will become a conscious creator of your life from the inside-out.
Creating Being is about BOTH your spiritual growth AND your material success. Our work is equally focused on you being the happiest, most loving and most peaceful person you know as it is focused on you creating extraordinary tangible results in your life.
The deep and rewarding practice of Creating Dialogue will challenge you and expose you to entirely new possibilities.
You will discover a world that has been waiting in parallel to the one you’ve always known. A world where success is created through thriving instead of striving, where financial prosperity is created with ease instead of struggle, and where the love and intimacy you want comes to you, paradoxically, through giving it to others.
Our work is to develop you as a Creator of your entire reality – that is in both how you see the world (a subjective sense) as well as the actual physical world (an objective sense).
Throughout Creating Being everything around and about you will rapidly change. Others will notice. Some will even tell you.

Rob Cressy
"This is the deepest work I have ever done in my life. It changed my life forever because we created my Being. That 1% of me that felt I wasn’t enough was a heavy weight on my shoulders. Exploring the pain and judgment and finding an alternative way of Being helped me create what I want to create."
Now is the Time
On the other side of this small purchase awaits one of the most in-depth, honest, and powerful courses on creating being.
Be still and know that you are an asset worth investing in—and that it is your commitment that creates an extraordinary return.
Buy Self-Study Course @ $1997.00What will this help me achieve?
Not to sound pretentious, but our most honest answer is the one at the bottom of almost every page of our website…
In Creating Being, we work at such a deep level (i.e. how you conceptualize and experience yourself and your world) that the changes we make affect everything in your life; your health, your fitness, your relationships, your intimacy, your sex, your income, your business, your leadership, your contribution, your spirituality and so on. You will choose specific things in your life to use as the context for our work, but the insights and shifts we create will ripple throughout all areas.
Your particular approach to life, relationships, and business will emerge as a result of your daily action and your created way of being through our work together.
More specifically, in Creating Being you will work to…
- Discover yourself more deeply through looking at things you’d rather avoid
- Speed up your results by slowing down your actions
- Close the gap between who you be and who you truly are
- Transcend your present identity and sense of self
- Deepen yourself ‘spiritually’ in a way that has meaning for you
- Develop your ability to conceptualize and embrace paradox and non-duality
- Discover the courage to travel the paths of most and least resistance
- Access multiple paths to genuine fearlessness
- Impact and influence others through a free, loving, and powerful way of being
What will be different after?
- You will be someone who systematically removes their fears
- You will be a force of Creation in your world
- You will be more powerful and impactful everywhere
- You will be someone who creates what you speak
- You will be more aware of what is true for you
- You will be more self-expressed in your own unique way
- You will be more honest (even if you’re already honest)
- You will be more creation-oriented in all of your relationships
- You will be someone who creates and lives with ease
What will I learn?
As a graduate of Creating Being you will have not only learned an incredible amount about yourself and about how everything is created. More importantly, you will have gained an embodied understanding of the following:
- How to create the highest return on your Creating Being investment
- A deep and nuanced understanding of the radical nature of the Creating perspective
- How to know what you truly and most deeply desire - and how to have all of it
- How to create tangible results through the intangibility of being
- How to uncover ways of being that are blocking you from creating what you want
- How to genuinely liberate yourself from limiting and fearful ways of being
- How to conceive of new ways of being that are more loving, powerful and true for you
- How to distill your many conceptions into a coherent and powerful declaration of who you are
- How to memorize your entire declaration of who you are quickly and easily
- How to speak your being, so that what you speak, you actually become
- How to discover ways you interpret reality, and how to create a different reality
- How to create a consistent Creating practice that you look forward to every day
- How to utilize inner conflict as a source of insight, energy and power
- How to create yourself by Being a Champion for others
- How to identify actions that are an honest and congruent expression of your created being
- How to create others
- How to use technology to create yourself even more conveniently and effectively

Tyrone Crowley
"This program is mind blowing. It took me deeper into understanding that the work we do on the inside creates the results on the outside. Whatever we are being has an effect on how people perceive you."
Now is the Time
On the other side of this small purchase awaits one of the most in-depth, honest, and powerful courses on creating being.
Be still and know that you are an asset worth investing in—and that it is your commitment that creates an extraordinary return.
Buy Self-Study Course @ $1997.00What is included?
24 In-Depth Lessons
You will have access to 8 modules of lessons in your course library in Creating.Studio. Each of these lessons is a deep dive on Creating a way of being (and doing) that gives you the freedom, love, and power to create everything you want in your life. Lessons are mostly audio (some video), available streaming in a mobile app and range from 15 minutes to 1.5 hours in length. Each lesson includes theory, examples and exercises for you to do.
Weekly Action Reports
Every week, you will invest a few important minutes in filling out an action report to help you hold yourself accountable, empowering you to create an exponential return on your investment.
Who is this for?
Whilst you may or may not identify as such, you are already a Creator in some way.
You take action, you achieve, you live with intention, you take risks, and you express yourself in the direction of your aspirations.
You may be a new or seasoned entrepreneur, you may be an artist or musician or you may be a coach who wants to increase the value of your product (i.e. ‘yourself’).
You value love, contribution, peace, joy, health and vitality, intimate relationships, and financial prosperity.
You are open-minded. You are willing to be vulnerable and ready to have uncomfortable conversations.
Finally, you have a sense that personal fulfillment does not have to come at the cost of humanity or the planet. Deep down, you know that both a more beautiful life and a more beautiful world are possible.

Dominic London
"Practicing Creating is a powerful thing... What I learned in the first introductory lessons of the training shifted my life immensely; being introduced to new ideas, realizing that our language lives in our Being, and that who we Be is the most important thing in the world."
Now is the Time
On the other side of this small purchase awaits one of the most in-depth, honest, and powerful courses on creating being.
Be still and know that you are an asset worth investing in—and that it is your commitment that creates an extraordinary return.
Buy Self-Study Course @ $1997.00
David Bird
"What this course has given me is that I see the world very differently now. It’s subtle, but the difference is massive. I was very much at affect of the world but now I know that I am a creative being."

Hudi Guggenheimer
"The work we do in the first few weeks of Creating Being was literally THE missing piece from all the healing work and self- development I’ve done over the years and from what I teach my clients."
Now is the Time
On the other side of this small purchase awaits one of the most in-depth, honest, and powerful courses on creating being.
Be still and know that you are an asset worth investing in—and that it is your commitment that creates an extraordinary return.
Buy Self-Study Course @ $1997.00Who is your guide?

John Patrick Morgan
Creating Founder
John Patrick Morgan is a practical philosopher, writer, and speaker who has dedicated his life to championing the freedom, love, and power of human beings.
Post his formal studies in Physics and Mathematics at the University of Rhode Island and the University of Sydney, JP built multiple small businesses (including a global web media company from a laptop and a backpack before the term ‘digital nomad’ existed), developed real estate, traveled the world for years on end, coached human rights leaders, recorded albums & toured with his band, created a children's library in Cambodia, learned to scuba dive & pilot gliders, published writing and photography, competed as a black belt & triathlete, trained with Buddhist monks in India, cycled toured for months on end and many other adventures.
In more recent years, JP's adventures have turned inward as his family came into being. He and his wife now homestead with their two young boys on their small farm in Maui, Hawaii. His lifestyle and family, including farming, fitness, and a fascination with Artificial Intelligence, he shares openly on social media.
The foundation of John Patrick Morgan’s role as a philosopher, teacher, and guide, is his being a real-world practitioner. He walks his talk, lives what he teaches, and has a genuine and powerful commitment to always championing the one person in front or him.
Now is the Time
On the other side of this small purchase awaits one of the most in-depth, honest, and powerful courses on creating being.
Be still and know that you are an asset worth investing in—and that it is your commitment that creates an extraordinary return.
Buy Self-Study Course @ $1997.00