Become The Powerful Creator You Didn't Know You Are Meant To Be

Join a growing group of mastery seekers, visionaries, leaders & spiritual badasses co-creating the most beautiful world by generating all the income, intimacy, impact, and enjoyment that our hearts desire.


Creator's Journey is a Year-Long Adventure in using the Creating Perspective to come into your full power in every area of your life, which includes: 

🔥 Weekly 2-hour live sessions with John Patrick Morgan & other Master Creators

💨 JP's Full Library of Courses turned into a 30-unit Core Creating Curriculum + bonus client creation course & much more

🌊 Record Daily Practices & Process into your #CreatingLog to gather acknowledgement, encouragement & accountability

🌳 Become a Leader in our WAC Mighty Network Community

🎓 Complete your Creating Journey checklist to graduate as a Powerful Creator

“This feels like graduating into the truth of who I AM.”

Theresa Campbell


An infinitely Powerful Creator is waiting inside of you. It's time to set them free...

Powerful Creators are humans who have cultivated the invaluable capacity to see what could be made more beautiful and useful in themselves, others, and the world and live boldly and joyfully as the source of the change they desire. 

Powerful Creators think thoughts and take actions that progress us all toward the individual and collective power, peace, and prosperity that we all desire.

Instead of living from fear and stress, they live, relate, and work with ease, sourced from a place of greater possibility.

The path to the creation of the most beautiful world is to grow ourselves into the Beings that love well enough to bring it to fruition.

There is no doubt that what the world needs most is for us all to become the infinitely Powerful Creators we are meant to be, and today the universe is looking at YOU. 

This invitation is your call to a new adventure; the adventure of creating your most beautiful life by coming into your full power in every area of life. To become so steady and abundant and nourished, that the most beautiful world flows out from you completely unobstructed. 

The path to learning to create the most beautiful world is in the creation of your most beautiful life, because your heartfelt desire, is the universe creating beauty, through you.

So, what would you love to create this year? Why have you not created it yet?

We all have times in our lives when Creating the next level of income, a higher quality of love in relationships, and the happiness that we desire requires a more free, loving, and powerful way of being in the world than we currently embody. 

This happening is not a problem or a burden. It is a sacred call to greatness. 

If you are eager to transcend the limitations of the common and step into powerful creatorhood, you've landed in the right place because... 

Creator's Journey is the surest path to becoming the most powerful Creator you can be. 

The complete transformation in Being that Creator's Journey delivers is not an overnight endeavor, nor is it for the faint of heart. Just as 

It is the adventure of a lifetime. You must go all in.

Whether you have just begun or are a seasoned practitioner of the Creating perspective, there is always another level of Creating to achieve. 

Maximizing your power as a Creator requires advanced understandings, a mind that is open to a rare degree, and immersion in a community of people with the same focus, the exact stepping stones that compose the Creator's Journey path. 

We will not provide you with tips and tricks to be more productive, nor will we feed you the correct words to win the next argument you have with your spouse. 

We will take you into your full wise, loving aliveness so you can develop a steady connection with the source of knowing you have whispering inside of you.

If you dare to put your whole life inside of this work, you will become newly aware of the gap between who you are being and who you really are. Day by day, and week by week, you will close this gap, giving you more peace, power, and prosperity, and spreading it into the world around you, too.

You will become who you need to be to bring your most epic visions to life. 



“My experience was an incredible adventure, filled with love, freedom, and insights that continue to emerge even after it ended. Live sessions are destinations to your infinite potential!”

 Chahinez Laidli


What Kind of People Are Called to Travel the Creator's Journey Path?




You are someone who does not look for a path to follow but creates their own and leads others down it, too.

You may be a new or seasoned entrepreneur, you may be an artist or musician, you may be a coach who wants to increase the value of your product (i.e. ‘yourself’), or you may be a leader inside an organization who wants to achieve more through greater impact.  

You are also someone who values love, contribution, peace, joy, intimate relationships, success, and financial prosperity.

You are someone who is open. You are ready to be vulnerable. You are ready to have uncomfortable conversations that give you access to more of who you are.

You endeavor to express the full creative power that is available to you and to experience the abundance that flows to you when you access it. 

You are excited to engage in the fullness of what we can be for each other as friends, family, lovers, mentors, and partners. 

You notice that you desire more than what you have been able to bring to fruition in your life so far. 

You love to be in the rooms where the deepest conversations are occurring, sometimes leading the conversation, sometimes being led, but always contributing. 

You dare to turn toward the truth of who you are and move closer, even when it scares you. 

You love to continually create an even better life, full to the brim of beauty, usefulness, and meaning. 

You can’t wait to live as a greater source of freedom, love, power, beauty, and truth. In fact, you are done with living any other way. 


"I created more revenue in the last month than the year prior."

— Kim Auker


On a practical level, Creator’s Journey is for you if you would love... 

To spend a year falling in love with the chopping wood and carrying water of realizing your loftiest income goals, connecting on a deeper level with the people who are important to you, and feeling better in your mind and your body than you knew was possible.

To devote yourself to regular intimate presence with John Patrick Morgan and other Masters of Creating.

To support and be supported by others as we co-create the most enlightening and empowering year of our lives. 

To experience the extraordinary in your health, wealth, and relationships. You have already accomplished plenty, and you are far from done.

To face whatever is in the way of creating what you would love, straight in the eye, so you can not just transcend it, but experience what’s available on the other side, and model that possibility for others.

To discover on the deepest level how to continually cultivate a being so loving that connection and success beyond the ordinary are created with ease.

To hold enjoyment as both the source and outcome of all that you do.

And to do it all knowing you are living in service to the collective good. 

Will you take the next step?

Save your spot now or begin a conversation with us.
I'm ready!
I'm curious...


“You've taught me how to unapologetically love.”

 Moishe Chanin


During Creator’s Journey you will…

  • Discover yourself more deeply through looking at things you’d rather avoid
  • Speed up your results by slowing down your actions
  • Close the gap between who you be and who you truly are
  • Transcend your present identity and sense of self
  • Deepen yourself ‘spiritually’ in whatever way that has meaning for you
  • Develop your ability to conceptualize and embrace paradox and non-duality
  • Discover the courage to travel the paths of most and least resistance
  • Access multiple paths to genuine fearlessness
  • Impact and influence others through an honest and loving way of being


"I received a five-figure fee for the first time."

— Nathaniel Dunn


After Creator's Journey you will be...

  • Someone who systematically removes their fears
  • A force of Creation in your world
  • More powerful and impactful everywhere
  • Someone who creates what you speak
  • More aware of what is true for you
  • More self-expressed in your own unique way
  • More honest (even if you’re already honest)
  • More creation-oriented in all of your relationships
  • Someone who creates and lives with ease


“John Patrick Morgan will go down in history as one of the greatest philosophers of all time.

— Steve Hardison

Let The Adventure Begin

After 15 years of guiding people through dramatic leaps in their ability to create stellar, health, wealth, & relationships, John Patrick Morgan has built a program composed of all the essential elements one needs to generate the being of a Powerful Creator who makes a positive impact on the world & lives their most beautiful life. The most direct path to this outcome is a full year of intimate engagement with the 4 Essential Elements of the Creator's Journey.


“It is like installing a new operating system. I have become a friend to myself.

 Clayton Olson


The 4 Essential Elements 



Learning from, interacting with & emulating a Master of Creating is essential to achieving mastery yourself. If you are interested in achieving the exceptional through embodying love to an extraordinary degree, you've found the holy grail of mentors in John Patrick Morgan. Immerse yourself here, and by the end of our year together you'll be amazed by who you've become.

During your year in Creator's Journey, you'll spend 2 hours every week with John Patrick Morgan & team in deep, impactful Creating Dialogue via Zoom. Topics will span the six major areas of life covered in the Creating Everything Course (relationships, money, purpose, health/fitness, spirituality, and community) so that by the end of the year, you will have a new, powerful way of being with everything important to you.

Every live gathering will conclude with a peer support session in which you'll integrate your learnings by expressing them in your own words and applying them to your life. These peer relationships will form a core support system during your transformation and provide the practice you need as you become someone who creates a more beautiful world by leading profound change-making conversations everywhere you go.

Once per month, the Creating Dialogue will be led by a guest Master Creator. Each has completed multiple engagements with JP & Creating and continues to stay deep in the practice. By the end of the year you will have experienced a wide variety of expressions of Creating, and have developed a style of Creating totally unique to you that will impact everyone around you.


Live Sessions will occur on

Wednesdays from 7am-9am HST

starting November 6, 2024



The Creator's Journey Core Curriculum includes 30 units of both foundational & advanced lenses through which to view the world. They are delivered in audio or video form and will require 30-90 minutes of watching/listening per unit. You pick the pace that works for you. In addition to the core curriculum, you'll have access to JP's full course on client creation and other extras.

Just as the ideas and understandings that are offered inside of these files have helped many students of Creating produce extraordinary material results, they will help you to become an unsinkable financial ship, turn stressful relationships into relationships that build you up & achieve much that is unavailable to you right now by helping you develop a new empowering lens through which to view yourself and the world.

During your year in Creator's Journey, you will keep yourself immersed in these new concepts by listening while you drive, or on your daily walk. You'll share these concepts with the people you know and meet either explicitly (by telling them) or simply through your new way of being. This sharing will deepen your understanding of the concepts and create your being as a beacon of freedom, love, & power in the world.  

As you progress through the material, you are encouraged to submit any questions that arise. JP will answer as many as he is able with a voice note or by inviting you into Creating Dialogue during the weekly live sessions.



There are infinite ways to change your being and grow your agency, and here at Creating, we have our favorites. Over our year together, we will share all of them with you as well as encourage you to create your own. 

Devoting yourself to the daily application of the perspectives & practices you gather through the live sessions and the Creating curriculum will cause profound shifts in your being. In addition, staying present with the changes you are creating (and wanting but not yet creating) in your lived experience will pay compound interest over our year together. Each time you gather data about what works, the choice to repeat that way of being will become easier and easier until it is your new default state. 

This practice will be supported by the #CreatingLog you'll keep to share your activity and progress in our Mighty Networks WAC Community. It will be the most productive app on your phone. Every time you go in you'll grow by giving and/or receiving something that changes you.

Your#CreatingLog will be a place you look back on for years as you remember the value this journey brought to your life. 



When you meet your fellow Creating students you will be encountering people who will make a profound difference in your life, just as you will make a profound difference in theirs. Those who relate to life through the Creating lens are treasures to behold, even when they have just begun their Creator's Journey. 

Not only will you get to witness other amazing humans experience breakthroughs in conversation with JP, each week during the peer support portion of circle, you will be paired with a new member of your Creating community for a conversation that changes everything. Some of these moments you spend together will ignite a friendship that lasts the rest of your life. The new ideas developed in these conversations will spread through you and your conversation partner out into the world through you into your clients, friends, & family.

Living in the practice of trading encouragement and celebration with other powerful, loving humans in our community will not only give you a wonderful year, but the experience will prime you for creating relationships that build you up for the rest of your life. 


“I've bloomed into being. It taught me to love, accept, and forgive myself and give that gift to other people.

 Alex Hayden

Will you take the next step?

Save your spot now or begin a conversation with us.
I'm ready!
I'm curious...

How will this fit into my life?

All of the 4 Essential Elements of the Creator's Journey transformation will both require your attention and be assimilated into your life and relationships with ease. Throughout the year, you will find yourself looking for more and more moments to create because...

🔥You will frequently use ideas you learned in live conversation with JP to enjoy moments that used to cause you stress. 

💨 As you delve into the online curriculum, the minutes you spend studying will become the best parts of your day, your week, and your life.

🌊 You will look forward to sharing each practice and thought that moved the needle for you in your #CreatingLog in our WAC Community.

🌳 You will savor encouraging and being encouraged by your fellow Creator's Journey travelers as everyone celebrates their successes and supports each other through the messiness human life brings.

Every doing and being that you prioritize as part of this Journey will be a joy to include in your life. Don't be mistaken, this program will call you into your greatness, as no other program has before. 

While existentially challenging, the live sessions will be uplifting, the curriculum will fill your mind with new ways of thinking and being, and the practices will fit perfectly into your day.

Whether you set aside time specifically to self-create or make it part of doing the dishes or taking a shower, every opportunity you take to implement Creating will improve your mood, your day, your relationships, and your life. 

As the most in-depth learning adventure John Patrick Morgan has ever created, the more you let yourself enjoy it while it calls you into your greatness, the more amazing things you will create in your life along the way.

Not just this year, but forever. 


“I've been able to fall in love with myself because of you and that's a gift and I'm grateful. Everything you want to create, you're capable of it and it's possible.

 Danah Maria Jaffar

Will you take the next step?

Save your spot now or begin a conversation with us.
I'm ready!
I'm curious...

What will my Return on Investment be?

Creator's Journey is not an expense but a wise investment in the person you've always dreamed of being and the results that the most powerful version of you will create.

Your investment is 100% non-refundable. There is no ‘prenuptial’ in this ‘marriage’. We use no written contracts because our relationship and our word are our bond.

Much of the power of a ‘marriage’ is in that you can’t just ‘leave’ once you enter into it. When things get challenging, the only way out of discomfort is for you to grow.

So grow, you will! 

What ROI can you expect? You get to decide.

You are in complete control of how specific and bold of a vision you create for yourself to bring into fruition during your Creator's Journey. 

If you would love to be guided through the visioning process before you begin, complete the Creating Everything visioning mini-course that is included with your membership. 

For example, your vision could be to 10x your income.

If you have stress in any of your relationships, your vision could be to reinvent each one into relationships that only build you up.

To what degree will you apply these resources to be a more free, loving & powerful Creator in every area of your life and work? If you apply what you learn through the Creating Journey, the value of what you receive will be magnitudes beyond your investment.

The best part? You get to keep the person you become on your Creator's Journey for the rest of your life!

So, what will you create?


“I had already gone on a hero's journey in both my personal and professional life but where I am now was nowhere on my radar when I started. The return on the value of my investment is high.

 Joe Ouelette

Do you guarantee results?

We could not be a bigger stand for you having everything your heart desires, this year and forever, which starts with us allowing you to be the source of all of the results in your life, starting right here. 

Our promise is that if you participate fully in all 4 Essential Elements of Creator’s Journey then you will come to know and create yourself more deeply than ever before, you will achieve profound spiritual fulfillment, and you will have embodied the personal power to create what you want.

As you achieve this, whatever you desire – in your business, relationships, and your life overall – will be accessible to you.

Over your year in Creator's Journey, our highest commitment is that you learn to guarantee your own results as this is the signature mark of a powerful Creator. 


“My whole way of being, my whole identity, everything is so much clearer. I now recognize that I can really create what I want.

 Christine O'Neil

Will you take the next step?

Save your spot now or begin a conversation with us.
I'm ready!
I'm curious...

What have other students created?

Some recent examples of personal creations include…

  • Beautiful relationships with spouse, children, partners, employee & friends
  • Graceful ending of relationships that weren’t loving and true anymore
  • More power to create what they want and to lead others
  • An overall more present, relaxed, understanding and loving way of being
  • More freedom to live life on their terms
  • More flow and joy in their work
  • More financial prosperity
  • More time to travel and be with family and friends
  • A greater sense of who they really are and being aligned with this day to day

Some recent examples of professional creations include…

  • Brick & mortar school for startups and entrepreneurs
  • Software & tech companies including rounds of investment
  • Transformation of corporate careers into independent consultancies
  • Popular retail business in a competitive area
  • Leading self-defense and martial arts school
  • Thriving web media companies
  • Expanding magazine & events companies
  • Top-tier photography business
  • Global corporate training companies
  • A five-star destination restaurant in Costa Rica
  • Marketing and advertising agencies
  • High-earning coaching practices


“I am innocent and response-able. I am forgiving and free. These two declarations alone have allowed me to access deep self-love. My words truly create my world. Thank you for showing me the way.

 Winnie Sher

Will you take the next step?

Save your spot now or begin a conversation with us.
I'm ready!
I'm curious...

Creator's Journey Year At-A-Glance

🔥 Weekly Live Creating Sessions 
  • Wednesdays from 7-9am HST via Zoom 
  • replays available but don't count toward graduation
  • Creating Dialogue and Q&A for 50 minutes, sharing Circle for 20 minutes, peer support for 40 minutes
  • You'll be with JP at least 3 times per month and other Master Creator's monthly
💨 JP's Full Library of Creating Courses turned into 30 Core Creating Lessons (plus bonus courses + lessons)* 
  • Delivered via audio or video 
  • 30-90 minutes each
  • Self-paced delivery
💨 Integrate with Tools we Created for Each Lesson
  • Summary of insights 
  • Description of actions & exercises
  • Questions for further contemplation
  • Prompts for sharing your insights
  • Submit questions to JP so he can support deeper understanding via custom recordings & dialogue
🌊 Custom Daily Creating Practices 
  • So that your inner work is the best part of your day
  • That make a tangible difference in your income, mood, relationships, & health
  • That permanently grow you psychologically & spiritually
🌊  Stay Consistent With a Personal #CreatingLog 
  • Record daily actions
  • Track Progress
  • Collect acknowledgment & encouragement
🌳 Grow Alongside Other Creators in the We Are Creating Online Community
  • Designed for you to actively DO Creating, not socialize or scroll 
  • Will invite and challenge you to express yourself in ways that actively grow you
  • A place to get into the practice of Creating other people for optimal relating
  • Create supportive relationships, some of which will last for the rest of your life
 🎓 Complete Your Creator's Journey Checklist & Graduate into your new identity as a Powerful Creator
*The Creator's Journey Curriculum & Bonus Lessons include new and all existing Creating courses, including: Creating Everything, A Course in Creating (The Creating Perspective, Creating Fundamentals & Creating Results) Being a Client Magnet (Creating Being & Creating Clients), Alles (Creating Dialogue), Loving Anger, Creating for Coaches


“I tripled my investment through loving service. I now believe that the most desirable outcome is possible, and I no longer believe it when other people hand me their limitations.”

 Rachel Hamlin


How To Graduate As A Powerful Creator

You are already a Creator. Creator's Journey is designed to increase your power to the point that you stand out from the crowd. In order for us to know that is happening, we offer a checklist of completion to ensure you have created proficiency in the Creating perspective.

🎓 Live Session Attendance

Full attendance of at least 45 live sessions. This means staying through Creating Dialogue, sharing circle, and peer support.

🎓 Completion of Lessons

Consume the full 30 units of the Core Creating Curriculum. Watch/read/listen and post a comment that answers a prompt. 

🎓 Practices & Participation

Some Creators will take less than a year to Graduate, some will take more. Other Creators will graduate, but stay in the program because being around JP and other Creators in such an empowering environment is such a wonderful experience.

Every student who graduates from Creator's Journey will have the opportunity to train with JP personally to become a Master Creator. 

John Patrick Morgan, the founder of We Are Creating, is a practical philosopher, writer, and happy farmer who has dedicated his life to teaching human beings to express & embody extraordinary freedom, love, and power as a practice of co-creating a more beautiful world.
Today he resides with his wife, two boys, two cats, and thirty hens on a small homestead in upcountry Maui.

“It's incredible, just to see how you loved me, see how you loved others in the way that you work. I can really feel it and it's not just something that is being spoken, and that's different and that's so unique. I'm really excited for what's to come as I continue to practice the Creating perspective. I don't see any limits or limitations at all and this is really beautiful.”

 Michelle Ware

Ready to Join Creator's Journey?

Be still and know that your payment is a 100% non-refundable commitment & secures your place.

🔥 Weekly 2-hour live sessions with John Patrick Morgan & other master creators on Wednesdays @ 7am HST beginning 6th November 2024.

💨 JP's Full Library of Courses turned into a 30-unit Core Creating Curriculum + bonus client creation course & much more

🌊 Record Daily Practices & Process in your #CreatingLog to gather acknowledgement & accountability

🌳 Community Encouragement & Support in WAC Mighty Network 

🎓 Complete your Creator's Journey checklist to graduate as a Powerful Creator 

For Existing Members of WAC Community 

This will upgrade you from your existing plan as WAC Community membership is included in Creator's Journey.

Pay in Full

Make a single payment of $5000 to be All-In for one year of Creator's Journey. Save $1000.

Upgrade Me

Payment Plan

Subscribe to Creator's Journey at $500/month for a total of $6000. Payments stop after 12 months.

Upgrade Me

For Non-Members 

You'll be asked to create an account in the WAC Community to join Creator's Journey.

Pay in Full

Make a single payment of $5000 to be All-In for one year of Creator's Journey. Save $1000.

Let Me In

Payment Plan

Subscribe to Creator's Journey at $500/month for a total of $6000. Payments stop after 12 months.

Let Me In

Fear was all over my life and I didn't even know it. I have been set free of fear.”

— Tyrone Crowley